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Reference FCO 82/46
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Internal situation of USA (Folder 1) (1971)
Description Analysis of the US political scene by British officials, including extracts from newspapers and magazines. Topics include potential Democratic presidential candidates for 1972, Edmund Muskie, Hubert Humphrey, Edward Kennedy, Nixon's campaign for re-election, Nixon's visit to China, Gallup opinion polls, resignation of Clifford Hardin and his replacement by Earl L Butz as US Secretary of Agriculture, pressure groups and political lobbying. A special study of "The Washington Lobby" covers case studies on drugs, education, ship building, foreign trade, sugar, tax exempt interests, the environment, farms, agriculture and supersonic transport. It also includes detailed sections on lobbying and the law, lobbying and elections, lobby coalitions and the presidential lobby with a number of appendices. It runs to 123 pages. The next item in the file is Lord Cromer's first impressions despatch entitled "No Longer God's Own Country" with various comments upon it. Cromer talks of a 'crisis of confidence' in the US and "an unhappy and fragmented country". He focuses on Vietnam, social demoralisation and a need for a reorientation of priorities. Other subjects covered in this substantial file include Mayor Richard Daley's victory in Chicago and his strong position of influence within the Democratic Party, Nixon's State of the Union message, welfare reform, prosperity in peace time, proposed increases in Federal aid, the US economy, Nixon's domestic policies, budget proposals, the environment, health care, intensive cancer research campaign, revenue sharing proposals for the strengthening of State and local governments, restructuring of the Nixon administration, relations with the US Congress along with further analysis by British officials of Nixon's proposals.
Date 1971
Collection The Nixon Years, 1969-1974
Region North America
Countries China, United States, United Kingdom
Places Africa; Alaska; Argentina; Asia; Australia; Bahamas; Bolivia; Brazil; Britain; Canada; China; Colombia; Costa Rica; Cuba; Denmark; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; El Salvador; Europe; Fiji; France; Geneva; Germany; Greece; Guatemala; Haiti; Honduras; India; Iran; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Japan; Jordan; Korea; Latin America; Malawi; Mexico; Middle East; New Zealand; Nicaragua; Nigeria; Norway; Pakistan; Panama; Paraguay; Peru; Rhodesia; South Africa; Soviet Union; Spain; Thailand; Turkey; Uganda; United Kingdom; United States of America; Venezuela; Vietnam; Western Hemisphere
People Albert, Carl; Ashbrook, John M; Bentsen, Lloyd D; Bundy, McGeorge; Butz, Earl L; Connally, John B; Cromer, 3rd Earl of; Daley, Richard; Douglas, William O; Douglas-Home, Sir Alec; Flanigan, Peter; Ford, Gerald; Freeman, John; Gilbert , Carl J; Greenhill, Sir Denis; Hodgson, James D; Humphrey, Hubert; Jackson, Henry; Johnson, Lyndon Baines; Kennedy, Edward Moore; Kennedy, Robert F; Kissinger, Henry; Lindsay, John; Long, Russell B; MacGregor, Clark; Mansfield, Mike; McCarthy, Eugene J; McCloskey, Paul N jnr; McGovern, George; Meany, George; Mills, Wilbur; Muskie, Edmund; Nader, Ralph; Nixon, Richard M; Richardson, Elliot; Romney, George; Rusk, Dean; Scott, Hugh; Stokes, Carl B.; Thant, U; Truman, Harry S.
Topics Agriculture; Aid; Armed services; Arms; Black Panthers; British Embassy; Census; Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers; Civil rights; Coal; Communist; Congress; Congressional Relations; Conservation; Council of Economic Advisers; Crime; Dairy products; Democratic Party; Demonstrations; Department of State; Department of Transportation; Disarmament; Draft; Drugs; Economy; Education; Elections; Energy; Environment; European Economic Community; Exports; Expropriation; FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation); Federal Reserve; Federal Trade Commission; foreign policy; Free trade; General Motors; Health; Inflation; Irish Republican Army (IRA); Isolationism; Japanese; Lockheed; Mid-Term elections; Military appropriations; Narcotics; Oil; organisation; Payments; Pentagon; Pentagon Papers; Plumbers; Pollution; Poverty; Presidential candidates; Presidential Primaries; Price controls; Protectionism; Protectionist; Race; Republican Party; Segregation; Senatorial; Shipping; Socialism; Space exploration; State Department; State of the Union Message; Strikes; Supreme Court; Tariffs; Taxation; Taxes; Textiles; The Nine; Trade; Trade Bill; Trade policy; Trade unions; Treasury; troops; Unemployment; United Nations; United Nations National Security Council; Urban Affairs; Vice President; Vietnam War; Wages; Welfare; White House; withdrawal
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